After 10 years of service, the time has come for me to hang up my pedal spanner and move on from Head for the Hills
As you’d expect over such a long period, life has evolved. Since starting work with Dan and the team back in late 2007, I’ve married, become a Dad (twice), bought a house (so mature), and life’s demands have changed.
I’ve had an incredible time working at the bike shop, and have made many new friends and riding buddies in my time here.
The job here has offered me many opportunities, from the huge variety of bikes that I get to ride to the trade shows that require me to travel to Austria, Scotland, Wales, or even Milton Keynes.
It’s been a pleasure to be part of the growth of the HftH empire, from humble mountain bike shop, to emporium of all things on 2 wheels (and sometimes 3).
It’s also been incredibly fulfilling to be associated with an environment that is not solely focussed on sales, but more of a social atmosphere, with many customers remarking how relaxing it is to pop in and have a natter, with no pressure on them. (Apologies to the company reps who’ve not been allowed to relax in quite the same manner under our grilling of their new products!)
Lots of memories have been made, and I leave safe in the knowledge that Head for the Hills are in good hands, with Jamie taking over the reins as shop manager.
I’d like to say a big thank you to all of our customers that have supported the shop over the years and kept us buoyant, and to the distributors and reps that I’ve fostered relationships with, that allow the shop to offer the best service and backup possible.
An honourable mention has to go to Cobbett’s Real Ale, who opened opposite HftH’s a short while after I started here, who’ve certainly kept the gears oiled in this shop.
Thank you all, and best of luck to Dan, Jamie, Nick and the new incoming team members for the future.
See you all on the trails, Rog